Winning Grants for Community Impact

Strategic/Operational Planning

IFP helps organizational planning, fundraising, and forecasting by offering tailored strategic and operational planning support. Our impact-focused strategic and operational planning processes include a collaborative, relationship-building approach by working closely with you, your board, stakeholders, and constituents to gather information, reactions, and data to support the production of a strategic plan to guide the organization over three years.


Our strategic planning or operational process includes the following core activities, conducted across a 12-week/90-day period:

  • Recommendations for document collection and review.
  • Develop, review, and revise the organization’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Actions, as needed.
  • Survey current staff and key community members on programming needs.
  • Conduct focus groups with your organization’s board and staff, community partners, and individuals you serve, to gather valuable input and information to define and support the work of the organization into the future.
  • Conduct a comprehensive PEST analysis, looking at external factors (political, economic, social, and technology) that may influence the needs, actions, and impact of the organization over the coming years.
  • Conduct a thorough SOAR analysis (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results) to determine what makes your organization unique, what strengths the organization can build upon, and what results the organization can achieve in the next three years.


Based upon the information gleaned through the above activities, IFP will develop a comprehensive, personalized strategic or operational plan including supporting documents for you to share internally and/or externally, based on the needs of your organization.


IFP has worked with numerous organizations across the U.S., working in a variety of sectors, to provide strategic planning coordination and support for your leadership team.


Contact us today to learn more about our strategic planning process.